What is the Best Handgun for Home Defense?


An American icon
The “big bore” .45 caliber belongs to the United
States like stars and stripes. Americans have
always had a very special relationship with this
timeless caliber. The GLOCK 21 gives you everything
you would expect of a ..45 pistol. Countless law enforcement
units swear by this superior pistol for more than just its
above-average magazine capacity of 13 rounds.

Having a gun around is one of your best methods of defending your home. Home invasions, robberies, kidnappings or sexual assaults are increasing. A security system really doesn’t go far enough, so having a gun around is probably the best way to protect yourself and your family.    Best Handgun for Home Defense? Many choose the .45 ACP Glock 21.

Gun Size
The size of the gun isn’t really an issue in home defense purposes like it would be in areas like concealed carry because there’s no size limit. In fact, having a bigger gun is probably a better idea, so you can hold more rounds of a higher power.

For a home defense gun, many people will say a .44 Mag revolver is the best choice, and I was just about to pick it. But revolvers have one major problem; their round capacity. A revolver is only able to hold 5-6 bullets, while the Glock 21 has the capacity for 13 rounds. A semi auto pistol also has the ability to reload a new magazine very quickly.  A revolver is not easily or quickly reloaded.

For the caliber of choice in a home defense situation, we chose the .45 Auto round. It’s very powerful as well as accurate, and has ample stopping from close distance.  Even though it isn’t the biggest round available, it has ample stopping power in a home invasion.

Reliability / Readiness
There are many fantastic .45 Auto handguns available today that would work great in a home defense situation. I chose the Glock 21 more than anything for its reliability and readiness.  They have a very simple design and are meant to fire every time you pull the trigger. The last thing you want in a home invasion situation is a jammed gun, and the Glocks will prove to be extremely reliable.
The Glock also has the safety built into the trigger, which makes it ready to shoot at any time. The Glock is meant to fire when you pull the trigger, period.