Jessica Alba: Firearms Enthusiast

Jessica Alba prefers the smooth action and unwavering reliability of the Glock pistol.  In these photos she is shown as a Federal agent with her government issued Glock 19 9mm handgun.

jessica alba legs jessica alba guns

Elderly does not mean defenseless.

Robin Scherbatsky: Firearms Enthusiast

Robin owns a variety of firearms and often carries a handgun in her purse. Her concealed firearm of choice is the Desert Eagle .44 Magnum.  

She frequents the shooting range for target practice and to relieve stress. She subscribes to Guns & Ammo magazine and is a cigar aficionado.

Robin also has a snub nose 38 Special revolver and a Beretta in 9mm but the Desert Eagle .44 Magnum is her pride and joy.  It fits in her purse.  Her friends do not share Robin's passion for high quality firearms.