Glock .45s - The best of both worlds

The Glock 21SF and Glock 36 -- The perfect combination for personal protection?

There are many schools of thought related to the best caliber for self defense.  Some will tell you the .380 .38 or 9mm is best because it is a smaller and lighter cartridge and therefore it makes the gun lighter to carry.  Others will tell you any pistol round is inadequate so it's best to use the biggest practical bullet for personal defense.  The discussion will then take vectors in the topics of recoil, accuracy, magazine capacity and eventually settle on the "stopping power" argument.  Someone will say, "I carry the .45 ACP because bigger bullets make bigger holes and bigger holes means better stopping power versus a bad guy."   For those who follow this logic Glock has you covered! 

When given a choice, many law enforcement officers will choose to carry the Glock 21SF.  The G21SF is a standard frame 45 caliber workhorse which has a capacity of 13+1.  Law enforcement officers who purchase their own duty gun are eligible for the Glock's Blue Label package.   The Blue Label package include a handgun with night sights and 3 magazines at discounted price.  No cop ever wants to use his gun but if needed he or she will have 40 rounds of .45 ACP available if needed.
Left:  Glock 21SF Gen 3                             Right:  Glock 36
What about this Glock 36?  Why does it seem to be least known of all the Glock pistols yet it seems to offer the best features for concealed carry?  Going back to the philosophy which states "bigger bullets make bigger holes", why don't more people look at the 45 Caliber Glock 36 for IWB (inside the waistband carry) or pocket holster carry?  The G36 is the only single stack Glock in the entire product line.  This means it is also the thinnest of all Glock pistols.  The G36 is light and nimble yet offers the punch of a .45 ACP.

Left: Glock 21SF                   Right: Glock 36     (Both are equipped with Night Sights)

Left: Glock 36            Right: Glock 21SF   (The Glock 30 has the same dimensions as the G21 from this angle)

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