● In which condition to you carry?

In which condition to you carry? 
  • Condition 1 = A round is chambered and the gun is cocked.
  • Condition 2 = A round is chambered but gun is not cocked. (This does not apply to striker fire pistols such as Glock. Revolvers are typically carried in C2)
  • Condition 3 = Chamber is not loaded but the magazine is loaded and inserted into the gun.

In the 1990s, the Glock trigger pull was designed to replicate and improve upon the trigger pull of revolver types. Carrying revolvers in condition 2 (loaded chambers and hammer down) was how most police carried at that time. Some carried 1911s in condition 1 hammer back but with a trigger locking safety on. Glock merged the best features of both types and created the Safe Action System. After a person gains confidence in the operation and function of the Glock Live action System and they carry the gun in a trigger protecting holster, they should then consider carrying in Condition 1 at all times.


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